Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dave 11/19/99 – Re: Weekends

Hi Tootsie,

It would be nice to be able to talk to you on weekends, but when David visits, I don't spend much time on mine. If I knew you were going to write, I would log on a couple times a day, though.

March is probably the most pleasant month here. It is our spring and it is not very hot and not very cold. I have an obligation the weekend of the 15th through the 19th. We have an annual race at the Sebring Race track here in Florida. I hate for you to think of spending that money. It would be very expensive. Of course... you're only 40 once. Maybe if I stopped having birthdays, you would catch up with me.:) Yes, I take vacations, but I haven't taken one in the last couple years, because it's not fun alone. Plus, during the racing season, we are traveling about two weekends a month to race in the Southeast US. My biggest problem right now, is having the money to enjoy a vacation.
Hopefully after the first of the year, I can get some of those problems resolved.

I'm very pleased to hear that my photo didn't frighten you as much as a horror movie. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. :) I'll get you for that remark! Paybacks are Hell!!!!

The only Brazilian movies I've seen were from Rio and included lots of naked people doing all sorts of things. I doubt they received any film awards.
NO... I've never seen a Brazilian Movie. It would have to be subtitled obviously, since when it comes to Portuguese, I don't know a Meu from a Minha.

My eyes are blue. I thought I told you about my work. I am an investigator for the Office of the Public Defender. When a person is arrested for a crime, he is taken before a judge within 48 hours. The judge will ask him/her if they can afford to pay an attorney to represent them and if they cannot, he appoints a Public Defender. This Public Defender is a state employee attorney and represents only those who cannot afford an attorney.
I'm sure you have seen American movies where the police "Read rights" to a person. It's called a "Miranda Warning" after a Mexican that was arrested for Rape in the State of Arizona many years ago and confessed without counseling an attorney. His conviction was overturned by the US Supreme Court, because our constitution guarantees representation in court.
ANYWAY!... the Miranda Warning is the "You have the right to remain silent... and there is a part in there that says, "You have the right to an attorney, now or at anytime during questioning. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you at not cost." etc etc.
After that long story I've just told you, I'll tell you what I do. I fullfil requests from court appointed attorneys, for investigative services.
I mostly locate witnesses and interview them, but I also serve court summons on people, take photographs and measurements at crime scenes, secure documents and records and lots of other stuff.

I like it very much, but now I will shut up and send this. Think about me and I'll talk to you MONDAY! attached is picture of David Jr. with his dirtbike and my old truck. He was getting ready to wake up the squirrels and bunnies.


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