Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First chat 11/22/99

Neysa - :))))))))))))))
DOC - Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Baby!
Neysa - how are you, meu querido?
DOC - Hold on a second.... I need to take a phone call.
Neysa - ok
DOC - I'm sorry, it was David asking a question about the car show this weekend. This is exciting, except that on ICQ you will probably meet some nice Brazilian man and forget about me.
Neysa - eheheheheh I doubt it. (I've been thinking almost the same of you)
DOC - Gee... no trust all ready. I suppose you think I profess my undying love to everyone I talk to. :) I sent you an email a few minutes ago to your yahoo. Did you get it.????
Neysa - yes have you already taken your shower?
Neysa - by the way, I trust you, but I don't trust the other women... ;)
DOC - No, I just sent the email and there you were like magic.
Neysa - go eat something. I'll get a cup of hot milk for myself. how long will you take?
DOC - about 30 minutes to do everything.
Neysa - ok I'll be back in 30 minutes. need help in the shower?
DOC - Mmmmmmmm, Yes!

Neysa - are you still in the shower waiting for me?
DOC - No, I've been out for a long time, but I couldn't get back on ICQ. It was just trying and trying, but wouldn't go through. I was just about to try sending you an email.
Neysa - :)
DOC - It's about your bed time, isn't it?
Neysa - almost but I'll have to wait until after midnight to call support
DOC - Are you there? I've been trying to get back on ICQ and it just now went through.

“DOC - " enters the chat
DOC - Hi Sweetie.
Neysa - hi
Neysa - :)
DOC - Now isn't this fun?
DOC - Are you talking to someone else? I can wait for a bit if you like.
Neysa - it's ok now
Neysa - I was talking with a friend
DOC - This should be easier than the phone?
Neysa - now I'm all yours
DOC - Glad it's my turn! I don't mind taking turns as long as I'm the last one in line.
Neysa - :)
DOC - Have you done ICQ before? YOu seem to know what you are doing.
Neysa - kind of
Neysa - I registered on ICQ about 2 years ago
Neysa - have been away for 6 months
DOC - I just downloaded it about three weeks ago to talk to a car club friend and since then, I can' t go on line cause people keep trying to chat and there aren't many people I want to talk to. I'll just talk to you, OK?
Neysa - ok
Neysa - I'm invisible to everybody else
Neysa - for your eyes onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DOC - I have a short week. I am off tomorrow and then half day Wednesday and then off for Thankgiving holiday until Monday.
Neysa - good
Neysa - will you travel?
DOC - I'm invisible to everyone else too. I usually stay that way, but since I don't have anyone but you and Rick in my list, no one writes to me.
DOC - No, if anything, I want to spend the holiday with the kids, but that means spending it at "HER" house.
Neysa - are you still friends?
DOC - No, I wouldn't call it friends. We get along OK, if we don't talk too much, but I don't hate her.... YET!
Neysa - eheheheheheh
Neysa - ok let's talk about other things
DOC - every conversation that lasts for more than a few minutes turns into an argument and I don't like to argue.
DOC - Are the babies asleep?
Neysa - I don't want to make you angry
Neysa - yes, they are
Neysa - Yara had a fever today
DOC - There isn't anything you could do to make me angry!!!!!
Neysa - :)
DOC - I'm sorry she's sick, but babies run fevers all the time. YOu don't think it was the chocolate cookie, do you?
Neysa - Dave, Dave, Dave
Neysa - no
Neysa - it was the vaccines
DOC - Oh, that's right, I forgot. Poor thing, did she scream?
Neysa - yes
Neysa - did you answer the other e-mail?
DOC - My daughter had three when she was about 8 years old and it took four of us to hold her down. She said she wouldn't allow it again.
DOC - All I got was an email telling me you were back on line at home.
Neysa - there was another e-mail I sent you in the morning
Neysa - when I told you about the vaccines
Neysa - ;)
DOC - Yes, I remember that one. I don't know if I did or not. I was so excited you were on at home, I probably forgot.
Neysa - :)
Neysa - ok
Neysa - I made two questions
Neysa - but don't answer them now
Neysa - or we'll have nothing to talk about in our mail
DOC - No, I don't smoke and my favorite food is probably anything that tastes good. I like Italian food and I like Mexican or Spanish food.
DOC - Too late! I already answered them.
Neysa - ahahahahahah
Neysa - ok
DOC - There is still lots of stuff to talk in email about.
Neysa - I'll forget what you said and you'll tell me again later
DOC - Do you smoke and what is your favorite food????
Neysa - I do NOT smoke
Neysa - I like fish
Neysa - shrimp
DOC - There is an old joke where the guy asks the girl if she smokes after sex and she says, "I don't know, I've never looked".
Neysa - ahahahahahah
Neysa - I'll test some of the icons up there
Neysa - let me see
Neysa - Neysa - picks a flower and hands it to you
Neysa - :)
DOC - Living where i do, so close to the ocean and gulf, I grew up on seafood. I like it but not all the time. I love shrimp, lobster and certain fish. My mother used to make a big meal of fried Grouper (SeaBass) and she would make "hushpuppies" do you know what those are.
DOC - How do you do that? Thank you for the flower.
Neysa - see the icons up on your screen?
DOC - DOC - blows you a kiss
DOC - Neat!!!!
Neysa - Neysa - grins mischievously
Neysa - ahahahahaha
DOC - DOC - Dave get's all excited!!!!
Neysa - Neysa - gives you a big warm hug
DOC - DOC - licks your neck
DOC - We need to stop this!
Neysa - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
DOC - You are toooooo far away for me to get all excited.
DOC - So... do you know what Hushpuppies are?
Neysa - I've seen a recipe
Neysa - but it looked strange
DOC - My mom made good ones. With the fried fish and vegetables, it was a meal to remember.
DOC - They are just balls of cornbread and onions fried.
Neysa - yes, that's it
Neysa - wait a minute
Neysa - Yara is crying
DOC - Go see!
DOC - I'll be here!
Neysa - I'm back
DOC - Hello Back!
Neysa - ahahahahahhaha
DOC - Is she OK? Poor baby...
Neysa - yes, she is
DOC - So, do you want to talk about hushpuppies or neck licks and hugs?
Neysa - which do you prefer?
DOC - How about hugging a hushpuppy? Or licking one. Maybe a hushpuppy on your neck?
Neysa - :)
DOC - Do you want to hear my classifying of kisses? I have broken them down into four types.
Neysa - yes
Neysa - I'm curious
DOC - I knew you would say that!
Neysa - ehehehehehheheh
DOC - #1 - This is a kiss you might give afriend or parent. Maybe your children. Dry lips and just a peck.
DOC - #2 - moist kiss on lips or anywhere on the body. This is sometimes accompanied by some light tongue touching and eyes open or closed as an option.
Neysa - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Neysa - go on
DOC - #3 - serious romantic kiss. Very wet lips and heavy breathing. much more tongue contact but not slobbery. Especially effective for administering on other parts than the lips.
DOC - #4 - Full contact, all out mashing, slobbery, full tongue, all abandon with eyes open AND closed. Usually reserved for the deepest throes of passion.
DOC - That's it. My favorites are #2 and #3.
Neysa - my favorites are #1, #2, #3 and #4
Neysa - depending on the ocasion, of course
DOC - You are a tease. I like them all too. Right now!!!!!! is a good occasion. I'll be there in 20 minutes!
Neysa - I think I'll like ti try them with you.
Neysa - to try them
Neysa - Oh my
Neysa - what am I doing here
DOC - We can do a clinical study of kisses and take notes. You know... record effects and what it does for each other. Sharpen your pencil.
Neysa - :)
DOC - I don't know... what are you doing here? Are we getting toooooo personal?
Neysa - no
Neysa - I meant I should be there
DOC - Wouldn't it be fun to set a timer for one hour and only kiss for that time. No further, just kisses for one full hour.
DOC - I think kisses are the most intimate thing two people can do.
Neysa - why only one hour?
Neysa - yes
DOC - It would be hard to just kiss and nothing else for an hour.
Neysa - maybe
Neysa - Neysa - grins mischievously
DOC - needs to change the subject again. I'm way too alone for this.
Neysa - you said you're coming here next year?
Neysa - ;)
DOC - :-*
DOC - I hope so. I would love to see Brazil with you. What are the waterfalls in Parana?
Neysa - Can you believe I've never been there?
Neysa - They say it's beautiful!
DOC - What is the name? I remember reading about them when I was studying about you and your country. I have read everything I can find on Brazil. See, I am obsessed!
Neysa - Cataratas do Iguaçu
DOC - Which means??????
Neysa - Iguaçu Waterfalls
DOC - Can you write Iguacu phonetically for me so I'll know how it's pronounced?
DOC - Is it - Ig-wa-coo?
Neysa - ee-gwa-soo
Neysa - ç sounds like s
DOC - Oh the "C" with the little thing under it is "S".
Neysa - yes
DOC - You are reading my mind again!
Neysa - so
Neysa - do you have an mp3 player?
DOC - Did you find me an ugly picture of you to send yet? I have others too and you're right, people shouldn't only send good pictures because that may not be the real person. What is inside is very important, but outside is important too. I don't think you will scare me off that easy, cause I really like what's inside.
DOC - This computer I am on, doesn't have a sound card. I have several but never installed one. I suppose I should.
Neysa - ok
DOC - Why?
Neysa - I have some songs here
Neysa - Certas Coisas, by Lulu Santos
Neysa - Years of Solitude
DOC - I'm off tomorrow and will be working on a friends computer. If I get time, I'll install a sound card and down load a player. You can send it to me now if you want and I'll save it.
Neysa - ok
Neysa - is there a limit to the size of the files I can send to hotmail?
DOC - That is the song you told me about before isn't it? If it's in Portuguese, I won' t understand it anyway.
Neysa - Years of Solitude is only instrumental
Neysa - Certas Coisas is beautiful. I'd like you to listen and tell me if you liked.
DOC - You can send it to or to my ISP address, I know Yahoo limits attachments to 1500kb.
Neysa - I can translate it for you
DOC - I will listen to anything you send and look at anything you send. Can you compress yourself and send YOU???
Neysa - :)))
Neysa - I'd LOVE to!!!
DOC - No, don't do that. I'm afraid you'd get lost in cyberspace.
Neysa - :)
Neysa - I'll take an airplane
Neysa - ;)
DOC - :-(
DOC - :-)
Neysa - don't
Neysa - ok
DOC - OK, I'll pick you up at the airport. I suppose that means I'll have to clean house?
Neysa - who cares?
DOC - That will take a couple months! :)
Neysa - ahahahahahaha
Neysa - are there any rats in your bedroom?
DOC - This house needs so much work, I don't know where to start.
DOC - Just ME!
Neysa - I thought you were a grizzly bear
Neysa - ;)
DOC - YUP, that's me.
Neysa - You know
DOC - My bedroom is not too bad. I was supposed to get a King sized matress and get rid of the water bed, and after I removed the water bed, the deal on the king size bed fell through, so I have David's trundle bed mattresses in the water bed frame and my feet hang off the ends.
DOC - Way to small.
Neysa - :)
DOC - Do I know What???
Neysa - wait a minute
Neysa - ok, I'm back
Neysa - Hi Back
Neysa - eheheheheh
Neysa - are you there?
Neysa - :(
DOC - Hi, I ran to the bathroom. Had to pee!
Neysa - it was another sad story
DOC - What sad story?
Neysa - I had a miscarriage years ago
Neysa - it would be a boy
Neysa - I had chosen his name
DOC - How far were you? I know that can be traumatic.
Neysa - David
DOC - OH, sweetie, I'm sorry.
DOC - NO, you are kidding me!
Neysa - no, I'm not
DOC - Why David?
Neysa - I like it
Neysa - of course in Portuguese we pronounce it different
Neysa - we say Dah-vee
DOC - I'm named after my maternal grandfather that I never knew. In fact my mother never knew him either. she was only a year old. His name was, Henry Issac David Greer.
DOC - One of the ladies I work with calls me, Da-veeee.
Neysa - :)
Neysa - you have a middle name?
DOC - My name is David Ray Miller. My dad's name was Raymond Miller. About half the family is named after him. My daughter is Denesha Rae Miller and my son is David Ray Jr.
Neysa - Yara is named after my grandmother
DOC - You need to go to bed sweetie. I could talk to you all night but we have time to continue this later.
DOC - I don't want you to go, but it's after midnight there isn't it?
Neysa - yes
Neysa - oops
Neysa - yes
Neysa - I think I have to go
Neysa - :(
DOC - Do you think in Portuguese or English? Do you ever dream in English?
DOC - OK, you can answer that in an email.
Neysa - I think in English
DOC - This was fun, but it makes me want to meet you even more, so it's sad to say goodnight. HUH???
Neysa - I can't remember if I dream in English or Portuguese
Neysa - What kiss are you going to give me? #1? #2? #3?
Neysa - Neysa - grins mischievously
DOC - Send me the songs and check your yahoo box tomorrow when you get to work. I will send you a good morning note.
Neysa - ok
DOC - I think #1 would lead to #4 pretty quick. I'd never make an hour.
Neysa - :)
DOC - For a good night, maybe a #2 would be best. With a hug, of course.
Neysa - ok
DOC - I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm going now so we don't make this a long goodbye.
DOC - :-*
Neysa - nite

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