Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Neysa 11/22/99 – Good morning

Hi, Meu Querido.

How was your weekend?

Kimie is learning to play keyboard, and yesterday (Saturday) was her first recital. She played "Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar". It was beautiful, and I was so proud!

She also loves English, and sometimes she asks me to talk to her in English. She understands much more than I did when I was her age.

We’re starting to give Yara different kinds of food. This morning we gave her a cookie covered with chocolate. It was so funny! There was chocolate all over her when she finished. It’s a shame we didn’t have a film in the camera to take a picture. I did take a picture the first time she ate soup (I’ll attach this one). She looks so happy!

Now about your picture again, you are far and I couldn’t see much. But it looks ok. Nothing to be scared of. Really. I like you. You’re such a sweet person, you’re honest, you trust me, you’re not afraid to show me who you really are. That’s what I love about you, and this is more important than any picture. Anyway, it was nice of you to send me one picture that you don’t like. I also have pictures that I don’t like. People look at them and say there’s nothing wrong, but I just don’t like them (that one where you can see my body is one of those). I’ll see if I find a really bad one and send to you (if I have the guts!)

In any case, it would be silly if I tried to show myself to you different than I really am. What if you fell in love with that person? You’d eventually find out it wasn’t really me, and then it would be over. I think neither of us want to waste time playing this kind of game.

Now about my fetishes... I’ve been thinking about it, and I couldn’t find any. Of course, there are many things that I like (a huge bed with thousands of pillows, for instance - and other more specific, which I’ll NEVER be able to mention...) Well, this IS an important subject, and I’m glad to know that you don’t want the honeymoon ever to be over. ;)

I’ll let you know if I can think of anything close to a fetish. There MUST be one!

Tomorrow (Monday) morning I’m taking Yara to take her vaccines, and after that I’ll make her application for a new nursery. So, I’ll be a little late for work. Hope you get this before leaving for work. I missed you!

Now tell me:
do you smoke?
What’s you favorite food?
Hugs & kisses


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