Friday, July 17, 2009

About some of my posts

I had started posting here using titles like "first email", "second email", etc. I found out that wasn't going to work for long. If I went on like that, soon I'd have to post "onde hundred and thirty sixth email", and so on. So, to simplify, the titles of posts with emails are who wrote the email, the date, and the subject.

Also, it won't be possible to post the image for every email. My messages are saved on .msg format. That's the extension used by Microsoft Outlook. It so happens that the newest Windows versions don't come with Outlook anymore. (Why, oh why???) I don't like to pirate software, and I don't want to pay over a hundred bucks for something I'm not going to use that much. Well, actually I am going to use it a lot, but I have an old computer with Outlook. So I'm using that old computer, opening the messages with Outlook, and saving them as images using "print screen". I don't know if that's the best method, but that's what I can do with my limited knowledge. Some of the emails are too long to fit in the screen, so I can't use "print screen". In those cases, I'll just post the text.

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