Friday, July 17, 2009

Brick walls

The water is good, and we both dove head first. Our practical sense, and also our past experiences are telling us to slow down. Actually it was the distance that helped keep us grounded. Maybe we wouldn't have gotten so deeply involved if we had physical contact early in the relationship. But we were too far away from each other, and all we could do was talk.

And talk we did! And enchantment followed! And we wanted more and more. We started sending single line messages sometimes, just to feed the addiction. An email just to say good morning. An email just to let the other know we were thinking of them. At the same time, we were building the foundation of a relationship that became greater than the distance between us, greater than the obstacles we had to overcome, greater than two years of emails and phone calls. Greater than the advice of well intended friends who told us this would never work.

The expression "true love" seems such a silly cliche, a foolish idea that will inevitably end up in disappointment. Dave and I were actually surprised every time we looked back and realized our love kept growing stronger day after day. And I want to keep this love alive. I want it to be an inspiration for other lovers.

I just read "The Last Lecture". In the book, the author talks about brick walls. He says the brick walls are not there to keep us out. They're there so we can prove how bad we want something. Dave and I went through several brick walls. And I am proud of what we achieved.

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