Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Neysa 11/17/99 - Patience

Dave Querido

I'll love to tell you everything I know about me. There's a lot I'm still learning. Maybe we can learn together.
I had never heard of terrycloth (I think I missed this class in my English course...), but I looked in the Internet. The first thing I saw was a bathrobe, for $90!!!!! That's expensive! (about $180 reais) And that was also the last thing I saw. I think I'd have to feel it, instead of seeing it.
This weekend has been a torture. I couldn't wait to sit in front of my computer and check my e-mail! I've been thinking of so many things to tell you, and now... blank. No, that's not it. It's just that you wrote what I think and how I feel. I'd tell you what I think about love, friendship, trust. But you already know. What else is there to say?
I know what you mean. I've lived with someone who never bothered to really know who I am. No friendship, no love, no trust, no respect. And I see that's the way most people live. They prefer to be with someone, anyone (even someone they hate), so they don't have to think about who they really are.
Meu menino amado, don't tell me you're trying to lose weight!!!! Don't do that. Please! Look at things this way: you're not fat (you may be heavy, but you really don't look fat), you are comfortable! Besides, I love big huge tall men! I love big arms around me. I love big shoulders and chest where I can rest my head.
My sisters use to say that Patience is my middle name, but I'd like to have an idea how patient I'll have to be. Months? Years? (oh, no! Not that, please!) Yes, while we can't see and touch each other, we'll write. (Don't worry about the cookies! I'm sure there will be more. Enjoy them, and don't feel guilty.) And I hope we'll have much time to get to know each other better after we meet.
I understand what you say about being insecure. I think I feel the same way. I'm not looking for a shallow short term relationship. I want someone who can really love, trust and respect me, and who I can love, trust and respect for the rest of my life. It's so simple... and so hard to find.
So... do you still love me???????? :)

Here's my address, in case you wish to send me a Christmas card: (it will be nice to have in my hands something you've touched. I think I'll close my eyes and try to imagine your hands, and how you'll be holding that card, closing the envelope... I'll hold it next to my cheek, and try to feel your hands, your smell...) :)

Rua Guilherme Pugsley 2585 ap 14
Portão - Curitiba - PR
80610-300 Brazil

Send me your address too, and I'll write something for you with my own hands. ;-)

Now answer this:
Do you believe in God?

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