Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dave 11/08/99 - Re: :-)

manhã boa, minha princesa

See... it's not THAT difficult! Let me try this, then I will tell you how I did it.

Como são você hoje? Eu estou experimentando com uma coisa da tradução no Internet. Eu não penso que o dicionário é muito bom, mas se você pode ler este, deve trabalhar a um determinado grau. Deixe-me saber e eu di-lo-ei que o local e você podem o tentar.

Is it very good? I type in English and it translates. Then I just copy and paste it. I suppose it's cheating but interesting anyway. Your suggested terms of endearment only registered two hits. "Beloved" and "Cat". Of course, Gato is Cat in Spanish also, so I recognized that one. I don't think I wish to be a "Cat". Dave, is fine for now.

My week off hasn't been very productive so far. I have a list of things to do, but I keep finding chores not on the list. At least I got my computer back up and running. I found a ISP for only $17 USD a month with unlimited access, so I think I will stay with it. Tomorrow, a friend and I will go shopping for bargains at hobby shops. His hobby is building small scale model airplanes. I like to do this also, but don't have the time. I like cars more, anyway.

It sounds like you will have a little vacation in January. Yara, is a bit young to leave with others, isn't she? Do you have any pictures of the girls? I am interested in seeing them. I shaved my beard yesterday. From time to time, I shave it and let my face see the sun. Plus it's nice to force the little creatures that live there, to find a new home. Little owls, birds and insects. :) I look different without it. My friends say I look 15 years younger and 20 pounds heavier. (Sorry, about 8 kgms)

I don't understand the resistance here to converting to the metric system.
When I correspond with anyone outside our boundries, I must keep remembering that you don't use the same temperature scale, measure of volume, distance or weight. I am familiar with most of it, having worked on cars and motorcycles from Italy and Japan. Of course, most dealers of illegal drugs, certainly know grams instead of ounces. I guess anyway we can learn it, is good, but the road signs still say so many MILES to a place and auto speedometers are calibrated for miles instead of Kilometers. What the hell is an "INCH" anyway. I wonder where it came from. I sure don't know.

I think I sent you a picture of me without the beard once. It was my son and I with a red Ferrari. I have another one of just me, but it's a bit far away. I'll send it with this. It was from last February.

I'm sorry to hear it is not sunny there. We have a newspaper here that will give a free paper if the sun fails to show itself on any day. There are very few days that there is no sun. We get lots of rain, but usually in the afternoon and it is just a passing shower with sun before and sun after.
Sometimes, even sun during the rain.

YES, give my your phone number. You should have a country code, city code and number, but I can investigate the country and city codes on the Internet. It would be nice to actually hear your voice, if even for only a few minutes.

This is fun, isn't it? Maybe, next year I will come to visit you and your babies. I haven't had a little girl on my lap in a long time. I'd also like to hold your children! :)

Seu menino do amante,


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