Monday, July 27, 2009

Dave 11/12/99 - Re: Autobiography

Hello Princess,

You could NEVER bore me. You can write as long a letter as you wish and I will try to respond to every question or comment.
Thank you for the Autobiography. It's hard to fill in the years in type.
My mother wrote a fairly detailed (200 typed pages) autobiography before she died. It starts with her first recall at about age 4. That would be 1916, so you can imagine it is pretty interesting. She had five sisters and one brother. She was the youngest and her father died when she was about three months old. Her mother never remarried, so she raised all those kids by herself working in a dress factory. All the girls worked making clothes too. They are ALL gone now. Since my mom was the youngest and I was an accident... most of my cousins were adults when I was born. My sister is 12 years older than me.
I suppose I should write a accounting of my life for my kids, but I'm not exactly ready to end it just yet. Seriously, I'd love to know everything about you. Especially all you secret desires and fetishes.
My fetish is Terrycloth. You know, like towels? Not the velour soft kind but the slightly rough absorbent ones. I had a Terrycloth bathrobe once and had to stop wearing it cause I'd get all excited. I figure if I had some Terrycloth underwear, I'd be dead by 9 in the morning. With a smile... but dead none the less!

Your remark about learning about yourself by writing, was very interesting.
I believe that's true. I think sometimes, that the reason I write so much is just for that reason. I talk the same way. I am very passionate about some things and love to go on and on about them.

Friendship is a funny topic. I've read so many definitions of friendship and some are contradictory. I believe the more friends you have the less time you have for yourself. Then again... without friends, you are truly alone. Your children can be friends if you treat them well. I think a husband or wife should be friends and sometimes I think it's more important than love. No secrets, no hidden life or agenda. Total open communication.
So I suppose that means total "Trust". So is "Trust" really Love? Is there anyone out there to whom you could confess all your thoughts and emotions without fear of judgement? I think that would be rare and precious. I got married to Terre in 1974 and we lived together until a couple years ago and I NEVER trusted her enough to tell her my feelings.
Does that mean I never loved her. I think maybe so! Making a couple babies together, doesn't have anything to do with love.
So... I've never had what I want. I will marry again but only ONCE more.
This person will be part of me, but a separate person. I want to find someone that I trust with any and everything. I want someone who will tell me the truth, always, and expect the same from me. I want someone that after 10 years, I am in pain when we are not together. Someone that can excite me and keep our intimate relationship fresh, year after year, with passion and lust. I don't want the "Honeymoon" to ever be OVER. Do you know what I mean?

On a lighter note... the cookies are gone. I gave some away and I admit to eating some more. I am really working on that 210kg. I don't honestly know what I weigh, but it's more than most people think. The picture I sent you first of me in the red shirt and little curls in the back of my head...
I was probably about 260 pounds. Look at it! Do I look like 117kg. in that picture? I never can tell people what I weigh until they meet me because they get a picture of me a lot fatter than I am. I don't think you can really tell how big I am in pictures. I have a large body, legs, arms and head. I do like small women though. My first love was 149cm and 42kg.
Anyone over 160cm is too tall for me. Now that I've seen your picture including body, I can say you are about the perfect size. I think I can get my arms ALL the way around you and put you in my pocket if I want.
I'm glad you like the current Dave more then the young Dave. I have some old pictures that I think are funny. I'll attach one of me with a friend and my new puppy (on the seat of my motorcycle). Gee, you were only a little girl when this was taken. (I think about 1975) Check out the hair!
Looks stupid now, but it was "cool" then. The second one is even older. It was taken on Daytona Beach (about 40km from where I now live) in about 1974 or 73. (I was probably about 110kg in this picture and I look almost thin) I'll look for something more current when I get back to work. Most of the digital pics are in there. These are scans of course.

Yes my sweet, I'd love to be MORE than friends. How patient are you?
Brazil is a long way away and honestly, I don't know when I'll have the money to visit. We have some time to get to know each other better anyway.
I need some time to work off those chocolate cookies.:) Just believe that I am not playing "Penpal" games and I am truly looking for my lost love, no matter where she is.

I just found another picture that David took of me at the races last summer.
I was clocking lap times on Steve in his Alfa Romeo racer at the Sebring Racetrack. David waited until he was in the picture and snapped it. See, I am a fat old man now!!!

OK, little angel, that is enough for this note. If you don't work until Monday, you may not get this until then anyway. I get excited when I see new mail from you, so don't make me wait too long.

I didn't mean to make this letter sound like I am insecure about myself or anything else. I am very positive and sure of myself. I know exactly what I want in life and it is very simple. I truly need someone very special. I am impressed with your communication skills and your open trusting way. I will never violate your trust, so don't hold back. I will tell you the truth always and I expect the same.

So... do you still love me???????? :)


"There are three lessons I would write,
three words as with a burning pen,
in tracings of eternal light
upon the hearts of men.
Hope, Faith, and Love"

-Johann von Schiller

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