Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dave 11/11/99 - Re:

Hi Moonbeam,

I believe that 3c is about 37f. Freezing is 32f. This morning here, it was about 12c and went to about 28c this afternoon. We will sometimes get lows below freezing, but as soon as the sun rises, it warms nicely. At its coldest, it seldom fails to reach 15c during the day. I wear shorts all year during the day. I usually don't take a coat to work, because even if it's cold enough during the early morning, by 10am or so, I'm carrying it, instead of wearing it anyway.
Yes, we have hurricanes, but if you don't live right on the ocean or gulf and if you don't have a big boat or glass house, there isn't too much to worry about. No earthquakes at all. Florida sits on sand and limestone, so no tremors.

Meu menino do amante, was a translation of "your little lover boy". Now when I do it, I get "seu menino pequeno do amante". But when I do it in reverse, that comes out "its small boy of the loving one". I think I'll quit with my Portuguese lessons.

As far as you name goes... Of course I have no choice but to apply rules of English to pronounce it. I suspect that will be incorrect. I'll just call you "Sunshine".
In English your name would be "Ney-sa". I think I'd pronouce your name, "Nay-A-za". You can tell me when I call.

Speaking of that... I didn't forget, but I've determined that you are two hours later than here. That means to call you between 9pm and 11pm your time, I'd have to call between 7pm and 9pm our time. I haven't been home during that time for the last couple days. We are putting the engine back together for the race car. Maybe I can call tomorrow (Thursday) since I should be home.

Your babies are adorable. Yara has the most beautiful eyes, I've ever seen on a baby, and Kimie's smile just melts me. You did good. Yara's picture was huge and it over filled my screen. I'll send you a separate email with it resized and I changed the contrast and played with the color. The camera flash so close up, washed out her face. The one of Kimie on the bed, was very dark, I'll try to lighten it for you also. I work with digital images as a hobby and can do most anything with them. I'll also attach a pic of me taken about a year ago by David jr. in the forest. Nice legs, huh?

You are right, photos don't tell much. They are "Static" and people are "Dynamic". Sometimes capturing a tiny fraction of a second in time doesn't tell you what the person looks like when they move. I would love to see some more "Static" pictures of you, however. Do you actually have a body from the shoulders down? Your face doesn't look like you are overweight, but I forgot what you told me about height and weight. I am 188cm and about 210kg. (or was that 210cm and 188kg?) I suppose if I was 210cm tall, I'd be
playing basketball. I'm just a grizzly bear.
I am baking chocolate chip cookies, so I'd better get them from the oven before they are like "Hockey Pucks". What would I do with four dozen Hockey pucks?

by your leave m'lady,

"Look like the innocent flower,
but be the serpent under it"

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