Friday, July 17, 2009

Dave 11/04/99 - Re: My loves and hates

Hi Princess,
Thanks for the long letter. I will try to answer but it may take me some time. I like to be fair and answer a long letter with a long letter. Now to your loves and hates...

I too, love children. Yours are young and I don't know about relating to babies but I didn't have a problem when mine were very small. I used to get up in the middle of the night and feed, diaper and rock them to sleep sometimes. My daughter at 5, was attached to my hip and I couldn't (and didn't really want to) go anywhere without her. She is 20 now and still just as sweet, although she has managed to break the attachment and I only see her when she needs something.

Yes, you must tell me how you ended up with a 7 month old. Actually, I know the process, but I assume little Yara was a welcome accident.

I also love talking to nice people. I love my friends and my family as well.
I love History and hate Math.I love to cook and don't mind washing dishes.
I hate eggplant, Zuchini but do love my chocolate cake. I like some health food, some junk food and most everything else.
I also love to swim and just lie back in the water and let it soothe me.
I love it when my son, David Jr. tells me I'm his best friend.
I love to laugh and talk about silly things MOST of the time. Serious is boring!
I don't think about hate much either because it makes me sad and I much prefer happy.
What I HATE is people who are always gloomy and negative about everything.... How's that? I also hate liars and thieves. I hate people who harm and exploit children and old people and I hate people who use their office or position to gain personal favor. Like a teacher or parent taking advantage of a child, or a politician, policeman or corporate executive who steals, cheats or commits crimes facilitated by their office.

I don't think 8000 km is that far away. Just think, that's less than 5000 miles. Also, look at it from the standpoint that it is the same time here as there. I believe we are both in the same time zone if you are in the Eastern zone there. At least with it the same time in both places, I feel closer. Of course it's Fall here and is getting cooler and your seasons are reversed, but we can't have everything, right?

I don't worry about distance. If I get interested enough, I'll just fly down and visit you for a few days and you can show me the man eating fish, giant snakes, dark skinned natives with bones in their noses and of course the jungle in your back yard. Or if you can get a Visa, you can come here and I will show you Daytona Beach, Disneyworld and the jungle in MY back yard.
I will attach a picture of my "way too big house for one person".
Why don't you marry me and Kimie can have her own bedroom, and so can the baby. You!!! I'm afraid, must share a room!!!


Familiarity breeds contempt... and children"
-Mark Twain

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