Monday, July 13, 2009

Dave 10/19/99 - Hi back

That's the picture he sent me with that email. I didn't like it. But he was WAAAAAAAAAAY over there in the US and I was WAAAAAAAAAY over there in Brazil. What harm would it do to answer? Who knows? Actually, I wasn't looking for love. Much less in another country!!! I wanted to meet someone special, maybe. Later I found out that Dave felt the same. He had had too many disappointments and was tired of playing this game. You never know, right? Maybe that person was hiding in a distant land, just waiting for a miracle...

I honestly believe that finding Dave was a miracle. And what followed during nine years after that email transformed me into a different person. Everything I have here, I have Dave to thank for. My home, my city, my job, all the opportunities, my identity, my citizenship, my new family, my name, the air I breathe. Things I wouldn't even dream of ten years ago. It may sound cliche, but this love did change my life. And it changed me. I know now that love is possible and real. And our love goes on, in the life I have here, in my realtionship with my stepchildren, and in these memories.

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