Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dave 11/17/99 – Re: Movies

Hi Sunshine,

I think I will give up on the Portuguese. You are very patient with my efforts. Like you said once before, you can't learn from the Internet.

So, tell me why you love "Elephant Man" so much. Have you seen the movie "Ghost"? That's a sad one too. Of course, "Love Story" and "Brian's Song" are pretty much tear jerkers too.
Be prepared... I am very emotional and cry as much as most women. Not at problems in life, but at movies and when someone I love is sad. My father was the same. It isn't considered masculine to cry. Men aren't supposed to cry. No one every doubted the masculinity of my father and I should think they wouldn't question mine. I don't know what an open display of emotion has to do with gender.

No, I can't think of any common expressions used for people who cry. Of course, a person who acts like a child and cries when they don't get their way is called a "Cry Baby" or "Whiner". I might cry and I might complain...
but I never WHINE.

There are many different sayings here. You seem to know most of them. We have a saying; "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". In Russia, they say; "A feather in the hand is better than a bird in the air". I had a book once of sayings and where they came from. Some are quite old. Many are from Europe.

Yes, you should take pictures of Yara every month. They change so much so quickly. She should be standing with support and walking by holding furniture, soon. Then she will start to talk and call you... what will she call you? Here, it's usually MaMa and the father is DaDa.

I have really only had one nickname and that's "Doc". I have been called lots of names, but not really nicknames . I like the Pitusca. I think it fits you.

You asked me if I believe in God. I was raised a Christian and would have a difficult time believing in the son without believing in the father. Yes...
I believe there is an all knowing and all seeing, kind, merciful and understanding God out there. What about you?

Thanks for all the hugs. I can almost feel them.

Hugs back,

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will never bite you. This is the principal difference between a man and a dog."
-Mark Twain

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